Click on the "Login" link on the top right of the home page to get to the login screen. Type your credentials into the username and password fields and click the "Login" button to access your account. You may also log in here.
After logging in, click on My Account. Click on the edit tab (upper right, under My Account). Type your new password into the "password" and "confirm password" fields and save. After logging in, you may also change your password here.
In accordance with applicable law, we collect tax in all states. Sales tax is applied to the total amount of the order and is based on the shipment's destination state and local sales tax rates. Applicable sales tax is charged for electronically delivered products where required by local law. These items are considered to be "shipped" to the address that your order was billed to.
At this time, we are not accepting manuscripts. If you send us an unsolicited, physical manuscript, ensure that you also include a printed self-addressed stamped envelope, or your manuscript will be recycled.